Glowing Mavericks keep the tradition going!!!
8th Annual Glow Run is another HUGE success!!

When I came to MRE in 2008, our opening year, I
came with an idea that I just hadn't had the opportunity to try yet. I had
wanted to organize a Glow Run for our students and their family where we run at
night wearing glow sticks to light our way! Not only was it going to be a cool
new experience that you don't always see, but it was a fun way to get people
out and ACTIVE!
As a P.E. teacher I am constantly promoting the importance of living a healthy
and active lifestyle. Many of our parents aren't aware of how easy it is to eat
healthy or how a simple activity such as evening walks with the family are
effective ways to stay active. We teach our students about good nutrition with
the hopes that they will then teach their parents what they have learned. We talk
about how important dinner conversations among family members are and how
nutritional facts is always something they can share. They can also share ideas
on how their family can stay active while having fun!
The Glow Run always makes for a memorable night and I don't think people always
realize how many calories they are burning because they get lost in the fun
they are having. The planning can be overwhelming at times, but when the event
comes it makes everything worth it. Just to see families decked out in glow
sticks and sporting one of our bright Glow Run shirts. I get chill bumps just
thinking about it. One of my favorite pictures from the night, are of a family
all wearing Glow Run shirts and the little Mav just staring at his glow stick.
I wish I could truly describe how amazing it is to see, but
honestly it's just something you have to witness yourself.
Over the years, the Glow Run has changed quite a bit, but I think the past 2
years have been the most successful as far as the wow factor. We kicked off
registration with upbeat music in the background so students and their families
can dance while they get their glow sticks ready. Once more people have arrived
we turn on Just Dance; however this year was a little different since we were
outside. Thanks to one of our amazing parents, we were able to set up a screen
and project Just Dance for Mavericks (and their families) to dance to. We had
saved the dances ahead of time so we were able to just change from dance to
dance without wasting much time. I knew our Mavericks had moves, but seeing all
ages dancing along was quite amazing! The other cool thing about dancing
outside, was the projector, speakers and sound box was part of a $13,000 Dance
System we purchased with the money we raised from Box Tops. Hard work pays off
and every little bit DOES make a difference!

Before we started the race, we brought everyone
in to explain our Glow Run was going to work, but honestly I don't think many
people were listening because they were just too excited. We released the
kiddos by grade, starting with our 5th graders and ending with PK, K and PPCD.
The route we ran was glowing from the gallon jugs we filled with water and glow
sticks. For the next 30 minutes, we had people running, walking, dancing,
watching, and just enjoying the night. It's pretty cool to see the expression
on people's faces who have never experienced our MRE Glow Run. The hard work
pays off when you see families together with big smiles on their face as
they're WORKING OUT! Yes, not many people realized you can have so much fun
while working out.
The Glow Run wouldn't be possible without all the support from our Maverick
Community. From teachers sending home flyers and talking it up with their
students, to some teachers even working the registration and refreshment table;
the HS students who came to help to get volunteer hours (probably the most fun
they've ever had getting service hours) and then finally the students and their
parents coming out to enjoy the Glow Run. The money we raise goes to the P.E.
program so we can purchase more equipment to use in class. P.E. equipment can
be very expensive and with our school growing so much, we are constantly in
need of more equipment. On top of that, every year they continue to come out
with new Nutrition games and activities that our students really seem to enjoy.
Overall, we are still on cloud 9 from the Glow Run. Our buckets were truly
overflowing that night and we can't wait for our 9th Annual Glow Run next
year!! MRE is a special place to work and our turnout for events like this are
proof that our Maverick families are one of a kind!
Miss Renee Bonin