Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Learning Matters

Twitter has many opportunities to expand our thinking. The latest #Edchat asked an important question...what are important characteristics of a 21st Century Educator? Many ideas were shared by participants on this topic. I believe that our educators must be connected to other teachers/students and encourage risk taking by modeling questions/"what if" thinking. Our students are depending on this modeling for their learning.

My hope as an Assistant Principal at Morton Ranch Elementary is that our students (PreK-5th Grade) were modeled risk taking by the many educators in our building. We want our students to question daily in all subject areas! We want our students to take risks in their learning on a daily basis. We want ALL our learners to grow in their thinking and in their collaboration skills. Basically we want students to make at least a year's growth as a learner.

When you ask educators at MRE why they teach, we know you will hear the idea that they teach because of our amazing MRE students! We love our kids and are so blessed to learn each and every day with them. Families, thank you for sharing your awesome learners with us daily during 2014-2015! We can't wait to experience more learning in 2015-2016...see you in August!

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