Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16 - Miss Suenkel's Art Studio

My sweet Mavericks have started the year off with a "Bang!" I am so proud of all the hard work each grade level has put into their first art projects. We just finished up a unit on uncovering the Element of Art, Line. Ask your students if they can show you different kinds of line. I am sure they would love to share their knowledge with you!

We used many different pieces to prepare ourselves for creating different types of line. Our manipulative box though was perhaps the favorite among K-2 littles. Look at their discovery of Line through these tools!  Amazing I tell you!!!

In closing our unit on line grades 2-5 began to write reflections about their projects in their art journals. Did you know that we create a special art journal for your students (grades 2-5) that they will be able to take home at the end of the year? It will be full of all the wonderful artists and art methods we discover throughout the school year.  

I am beyond impressed with the written reflections students had while analyzing their artwork.They rocked this assignment and are really beginning to understand how to plan, evaluate, and reflect on their work. It was a beautiful thing to witness in our art studio this week.

Miss Kimberly Suenkel

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